Thursday, May 12, 2016


Stop using God as an excuse to marry someone else

It is something I am hearing more and more these days.

I am hearing it from Christians that should be more mature.

I am hearing it from Christians that should know better.

Christians are using God as an excuse to end their marriage.  And sometimes using God as their excuse to marry someone else.

You may have heard statements like these:

God wants me to be happy and I am miserable in this marriage, so...
Or God wants me to be happy and that will happen if I was with this other person, so...

My mate is keeping me from doing the ministry God has called me to, so...
Or, this other person would really be the partner I need to do God's work, so...

God desires happy marriages.  Mine is not, so...
God wants me to have a happy marriage like I would have with someone else, so...

My mate should help me get closer to God. Since they do not ...
This other person would really help me grow spiritually, so...

These are lies from Satan and they are not true.

Breaking up your marriage is not a spiritual decision.  Marrying someone else's spouse is not spiritual.

Stop defining happiness by what you think you want or what you think is best.

God wants you be obedient.  He wants you to live in ways that honor his Son and bring glory to him.

I know sometimes being faithful to God and trying to save your marriage is not enough.  Marriage is hard and sometimes Christians break their promises to God and to their mate.  Divorce happens and God hates it.  After all, it takes two committed to Jesus.  Not just one.  And I am sorry for those of you who never wanted to end your marriage but your mate did.  But that is on them.  It was not what God wanted.

So stop using God as your excuse to get out of a marriage you no longer want to be in.
Repent.  Be faithful to God's call.

I do believe this with all my heart.  When both of you are committed to God, your marriage will survive and thrive.  If you will not honor your current marriage, why do you think God will honor a marriage to someone else?

And I believe this.  When marriages end, someone has not been faithful to God.

There may be many reasons someone chooses to end a marriage and be with someone else.  But none of them are spiritual.  And none of them are what God wanted..  So if your mate ends your marriage, do not let them try to tell you it was God's will.  It was not.

You may fool yourself.  You may even believe the lie.

But that does not make it true.

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