Tuesday, June 14, 2016


God in Guatemala

I become more and more convinced that we have to be telling what God is doing among his people..  It inspires us, it makes us happy, and it encourages us to realize the same things can happen where we are.

So one of the great things I get do working for Hope for Life is to be part of our evangelistic campaigns around the world.  I love to preach in them because the lessons are designed for non-believers to hear the story of Jesus.
I just returned from a week working on the western edge of Guatemala City.  Five congregations worked together in three locations to host a campaign.  Then on Sunday, twelve congregations came together for a combined service.

My teammate Tim Archer has been on the radio in Guatemala City for several years now and the local churches are starting to get quality contacts from the listeners.  While there, we were interviewed on the radio for around 30 minutes each day.  In addition to the radio contacts, the members were inviting friends and family members to the campaign each night.  Students from the Biblical Institute of Central America (BICA) also helped by knocking doors and conducting Bible studies.

Hope for Life provided Bibles and literature for the campaign.

During the week, 21 people gave their life to Jesus and were baptized.  Another 10 souls came back to the Lord and were restored.

So here are a couple of my favorite stories from the week.

One congregation had their oldest member talk on the last night.  They introduced her as a great evangelist.  She talked about how she prayed for friends and family to know Jesus and how much it meant to her to see these people respond.  I also found out she went out every day to talk with people, then cooked every night.  She is 74.  Old for Guatemala.  Inspirational.

I also realized they were really impressed with my preaching. Not because it was so good, but because it was impressive that such an old guy was still preaching. I am old in the States, but I am really old down there.  Even better when I got to preach to a special gathering of 150 teens on Sunday.  Told them I was not only older than most of their parents, but most of their grandparents.

Tim had a great story from the second night of the campaign.  At the Monte Carmelo 3 congregation a man came forward to be restored.  His Mom was cooking in the back and came rushing out to embrace him.  His Dad rushed down the aisle to cry with them.. They had been praying for 10 years for their son to come back to the Lord.

I preached there the next night.  Several asked to be baptized and/or restored.  Among them was another son of this family who was restored and then one of their daughter-in-laws was baptized.  Tears of joy thru the whole congregation.

So you pray, you share Jesus stories, you live your faith, you invite others to worship and into the life of Jesus... and God gives the increase.  It happened in Guatemala and it is happening all over the world.

So thanks God for letting me be a part of your work in calling men to follow your Son.  Bless the continuing efforts from my family in Guatemala.  And bless what Marsha and I are committed to do here in Abilene.  Bless the efforts of your people all over this world who are making disciples.  We will plant and water Jesus seeds.  We ask you to give the increase.

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