Thursday, July 21, 2016


Church Inside Out

I rarely recommend books, but I am going to make an exception.

Church Inside Out by Tim Archer.

The book explores ways for "getting church insiders out to bring outsiders in."

It is a good read for ministers, elders, and those interested in reaching our communities with the good news.

Tim is a gifted writer and thinker.  He is passionate about sharing Jesus with our world.

Full disclosure:  Tim and I work together at Hope for Life, a Herald of Truth Ministry.  Knowing him so well is one reason he has credibility with me and why I enjoyed reading his book.

Tim shares other resources that are helpful and he offers suggestions for implementing the ideas he shares.

21st Century Christian published this book and you can order off their website:

I am intrigued by some things I learned from Tim and I would be interested in hearing your thoughts after reading.

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