Thursday, September 22, 2016


Peace During the Election Season...

This first appeared on our Hope for Life blog and then again today on Heartlight.  

There is a Presidential election happening in the United States and many people are afraid, apprehensive, or nervous over what will happen in this country.  There is harsh rhetoric, angry voters, and lots of rumors, lies, and fear mongering.  And this is happening on both sides of the political divide.  What will the country look like if the “other” candidate wins the election?  Is the country going to be destroyed by this election?  Are we doomed?  Of course, this happens in other countries also.  When your emotions, your loyalty, and your faith in the future are wrapped up in any one nation or any one system of government then you are going to be worried much of the time.
So let me suggest an alternative.  Christians have a different view of this world. 
The followers of Jesus believe this world is not our home.  This world is not where our future is.  It is not the focus of our hope.  We believe we will live forever in heaven with God and Jesus.
We do not count on the powers of this world to offer us hope.  After all, nations rise and fall.  The United States is only 240 years old.  But God’s Kingdom is forever.  It will not fall.  It has outlasted all the governments of this world.
Christians partner with God to increase his Kingdom.  We believe that God wants everyone to be in a relationship with him and that he sent his son to die for our sins so we could have that relationship.  So we tell people that good news.  That is our purpose.  We Christians make a forever difference.
Someone bigger than any political system is in charge.  And he will be in charge forever.

So if you are worried and upset about election politics … there is a different, and I believe a better, alternative.  I can help you find it.  Write me at  Or visit our website at   

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