Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Refugees, Babies, Jesus, and you

I know many Christians who are are marching, posting, crying, and being very vocal in opposition to a President who has behaved in very unchristian ways and whose policies do not reflect the values of Jesus.

And had the election gone the other way, I would know a whole other set of Christians that would be marching, posting, crying, and being very vocal in opposition to a President who has behaved in very unchristian ways and whose policies do not reflect the values of Jesus.

So here are a couple of reminders.

most Americans are not Christians.

America is not the Kingdom of God.

Christ and culture have always been in conflict.

Jesus wins.

If you want role models for your children, stop looking at the people the world holds up.  There are amazing heroes in your own family and in your community of faith.

If your heart is for refugees, do something about the ones already here.  I know a handful of people in my church who have poured their lives into refugee ministry. A handful because it is really hard to get enough volunteers to serve. But if you really want to help refugees, find out if your church is involved in a ministry to them.  Get involved.  Or start one.  By the way, that will be much harder than posting or marching.

If your heart is for unborn babies, roll up you sleeves and get to work.  Adopt, do foster care, support ministries like Christian Homes, pray for the single Mom who decides to have her baby.  Walk that journey with her.  By the way, that will be much harder than posting or marching.

There is a lot of Kingdom business to be done.  You can make a difference to refugees and babies.

And it has nothing to do with America and politics.

It has everything to do with Jesus.

Lord, I know people are hurt and upset by politicians and policies on both the right and the left.  And it is easy to vent and lash out at what offends us.  But you have Kingdom work to be done.  You had work to do before there was a United States and you will have work to be done after there is no United States.  But for now, give us opportunities to do your business.  In love and by faith.  So your Kingdom will grow. Thank you for the spiritual heroes who are making a difference in this world.

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