Thursday, October 12, 2017


Why would an 88 year old go on a preaching tour...

I recently got to spend about 4 hours in the DFW airport with Juan Monroy.  Bill Brant, Tim Archer, and I went over so we could talk about Hope for Life, Jesus, life, and preaching. 

Juan is 88 and had just gotten off an international flight from Madrid.  This was his first stop on a six week preaching tour.  He was going to Houston, LA, three places in Mexico, and then Cuba.  Speaking an average of 5 times in each place. 

I am 20 years younger than Juan and I got tired typing that last paragraph. 

It was a great visit.  We talked about the wonderful things God has been doing in our ministry.  We talked about our shared passion for preaching and about reaching the lost.  We talked about difficulties of long international travel.  We talked about our wives. 

And I want to be Juan when I grow up.

He loves God and Jesus.  Retirement is not really an option for him.  He intends to preach and write about Jesus.  He is thrilled when he helps bring others into the Kingdom.  He is happy when some that were in spiritual danger return to the Lord.

He is fearless.  Does not worry about his health or safety.  God will take care of him.  That is his very strong and firm conviction.

Why would an 88 year old go on a six week preaching tour across the world?

Because that's what believers do. 

I was inspired, motivated, and fired up to go strong for Jesus as long as I can. 

So to those of you who wonder about a 66 year old going all over our country to talk about Jesus ... well, I am still a youngster.  And I have someone to look up to as my role model.

So thanks for the example Juan. 

God, thank you for Juan Monroy.  For his faith, passion, and love for you.  Protect him and keep him strong.  Take him to his reward when you are ready.  But till then keep blessing his work for you and your Son.  Give the harvest.

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