Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Wichita churches are telling the story...

So a couple of weeks ago, I spent three days in Wichita, Kansas.  Hope for Life, where I work, is helping in a major effort to share the good news of Jesus with those in and around Wichita.  The Riverwalk Church of Christ is the main coordinating congregation and their Evangelist, Jim Fly, is our point man. 

So I spent a weekend there to equip, motivate, and inspire Christians there to share the story of Jesus with their friends, neighbors, family, classmates, and co-workers.  We spent all day Saturday together.  Almost 200 Christians from 15 congregations together committing to share our faith. 

It was inspiring and awesome.

Here are a few of the things that inspired me.

All 15 congregations do not agree on everything, but they all buy in to making disciples by telling our world that God loved us so much that He let his Son die for our sins and that He raised Jesus from the dead.  They want people to love God so much that they will die and be raised to a new life with Jesus (baptism).  They want to share their stories of what God has done in their lives and in their communities of faith.  They are sharing the amazing stories from Scripture of how God worked in the lives of our spiritual ancestors to bring them into God's family.

They are serving, inviting, sharing.

I got to hear of the congregation doing community cook-outs for apartments near their building.  And of the couple that wanted to know more and of their decision to be baptized. 

I heard of renewed commitments to Jesus and to living the story boldly.

Talked to elders who were not just encouraging their congregation to get involved in sharing Jesus, but who were leading the way.

Lots of preachers committed to being evangelists and telling Jesus stories.

I felt at home there. 

I'll be going back in the Spring to for an evangelistic event where I will be telling stories to the friends and family who have started down the road that leads to making decisions about Jesus.  I am confident I will be meeting new Christians and seeing others being born again into the family of God.

So thanks Wichita for firing me up and letting me partner with you in this amazing, thrilling, and life-changing adventure.

Let's talk about Jesus.

So God thanks for my brothers and sisters that are even now sharing their lives and their stories with people that do not yet know your Son.  You saved us and we desperately want our world to know that you want to save them too.  So help us see opportunities.  Help us to know what to say and what stories to share.  Help to have the courage to act.  And bring the harvest.

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