Tuesday, December 19, 2017


How to celebrate Christmas this year

Here are a few ways to celebrate Christmas this year.

Talk about Jesus.  Tell your family what he means to you.  Get them to share what he has done for them this past year.

Do something to serve your neighbors. 

Eat together.  Have people over.  Go out to eat.  Party lots.  The Bible has lots to say about the fellowship of eating together.

Worship with your family and your people.  Go to a Christmas Eve service.  Have home church.  Do something that draws your family together around the manger that becomes a cross.

Celebrate a baptism.  Call a new convert and tell them that celebrating the birth of Jesus reminded you to celebrate their new birth. 

Tell the people you have been talking to about Jesus that this is a good time to be born again. 

Give gifts. 

Give something that matters to someone less fortunate than yourself.  Share a meal with them.  Take them shopping.  Be there.

Give your time.  Talk, really talk, to the people that matter.

Find the lonely person and include them.  The college kid stuck at school.  The single parent who doesn't have the kids.  The old people whose kids aren't coming in.

Tell the story of Jesus.  Even better if you tell it to someone who doesn't know it.

I love Christmas.  Love, family, food, giving, and Jesus.  I wish I could do Christmas all the time.

And I do.  I'm a Christian. We do this stuff all the time.

Thanks God.

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