Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Sin, Sex, Love, and God

There has been quite a bit of discussion in my city of Abilene recently concerning Abilene Christian University and same sex relationships.  The conversation centers around questions like ... what is sin, how do you treat others, and how should a Christian University handle this situation?  Which sparked talk about what churches should do or what individual Christians should do. 

People ask me what I think.  So here it is.

Sex with those of the same gender is sin.  That is not always a popular position to affirm in our society.  Yet I am convinced the Bible teaches this.  And it does so emphatically.  Some will argue that Scripture should be interpreted based on our feelings, experience, and culture.  That the various verses addressing this issue were written for a culture then and there, not here and now.  But when something is identified as against nature, then it seems to be much bigger than a cultural argument.  So any discussion by Christians needs to be framed by what God's will is. 

But of course, homosexual activity is not the only sin mentioned in Scripture.  Or even the only sexual sin mentioned.  So let's not act as if this sin is greater than all others.  But it is sin. 

Christians are held to a higher standard concerning sin than are non--believers.  So I treat them differently.  Christians have committed to follow Jesus.  We are not perfect.  But we confess our sin and strive to live forgiven.  So we must speak truth into the lives of our Christian community and call fellow believers to live as Jesus would. 

And we must treat non-believers with love and respect.  But non-believers will not control my convictions about how God expects us to live.  Sinners are welcome in my home.  I associate with sinners.  I serve them and am friends with non-Christians.  But they are not my family. 

And their sin is not welcome in my church or in my home.  Non-believers living in sexual sin are welcome in our home.  But they are not welcome to bring their sin with them.  There are lines that I will draw.  They can disagree with me.  They can hate me.  They can speak ill of me.  And I will still be respectful and kind.  I will seek to have conversations about Jesus. 

Sounds like I am repeating that trite old phrase:  love the sinner, hate the sin.  And of course in some ways I am.  I also realize some Christians and church leaders will strongly disagree with me.  That is their right.  They do not answer to me for what they teach and endorse.

And I do not answer to them.  I do answer to God.  So I believe Jesus would have me ...

Live forgiven.

Love sinners.

Call my family and my church to speak truth.

Call Christians caught in sin to repentance.

Tell my world about Jesus.

And help those who decide to follow him to live forgiven.

Father thank you for sending Jesus to restore us to You.  Help me to reflect Your will in my life and in my teaching.  I am a sinner that is now your son, a brother to the King.  Let me show others that road.  

What I found interesting is that this conversation would be taking place at ACU - my how things have changed!!
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