Tuesday, May 01, 2018


My Skin Doctor, Jesus, and Spiritual Health

I recently went to my Dermatologist for my annual checkup.  I have to go every year since I had Melanoma a few years ago.  He checked me out all over.  All over.  Told me I looked great.  Asked me how I felt about spots on my face.  I told him he already said I looked great, so I didn't understand the question.  His nurse laughed.  Then he froze off six or so spots, took my money, and told me he would see me next year. 

And all of that made me think about Jesus.

I need to take a good look at myself spiritually sometimes.  It is too easy to think I have it together.  That is one reason I like taking Communion.  Gives me a chance to reflect on me, Jesus, and my community of faith. 

Because I have had spiritual cancers that had to be cut out.  And just like melanoma, they could have killed me.  But they didn't because they were cut out.  But I check often to make sure they are not creeping back in to my life.

I am not really into the spiritual image game.  You know, trying to keep up the image.  I would rather be real.  I don't mind the scars, bumps, dark spots, and other harmless things.  Spiritual health, not spiritual image, is what matters to me.

But even if I am in a healthy place spiritually, I need to take care of the little things that can become big things.  So I watch my spiritual disciplines.  I have friends and family that hold me accountable.  Deal with small things so they do not become big things.

So I have these ugly places for a couple of weeks where things were taken care of on my face.  Sometimes my spiritual life looks that way too.  Reminds me I am not perfect but I am working on being who and what I should be.

It costs.  Spiritual health is not about being what I want, but what God wants.  And that means that sometimes I have to pay a price.  Though not like the price Jesus paid for me.

And I have to do my spiritual check up again and again.  Because Satan never stops.  Because God wants me to be more like his Son.  Because I am not there yet. 

Spiritual life lessons. 

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