Tuesday, September 11, 2018


And just like that I am 67. Now what...

Today is my birthday.  67.  Seems hard to imagine.  I feel like -- and act like -- I am 47.  But I look in the mirror and look 87.  So 67 is just about right for me. 

Our government tells me I can retire.  Most of my friends my age have retired.  Lots of people asking me what now...

So here are a few thoughts on turning 67

Who cares?  I am not much of a "retirement" kind of guy.  Not even sure what I would do.  I imagine I would do just like I do now.  Well, except without pay.

As long as my mind, strength, and energy hold up I will just going around the country (and sometimes the world) talking about Jesus.  And helping others learn how to share their faith.

I'll keep talking to people in our personal corner of the world that are not believers.

Marsha and I will keep helping people struggling in their marriage.  Or with their addictions. 

but I will say this from the perspective of 67 years.

Jesus is the most important.  More important than work or church.  Only thing that really matters.  If I keep him, everything else will be OK. 

Family is next.  I love Marsha more every day and every year.  And not just because of the chocolate pie she will make today.  So proud of my kids.  Grandkids are growing up.  Accomplishing lots academically and athletically.  Most happy they love Jesus.  My Mom is still hanging out with us at 87.  Still active and still sharp. Maybe I'll be like her and go strong till I am 87.

I know what I will do for as long as God gives me life.

And that is the key.  Where I will work, go to church, live... well, those are not the most important things any more.

So the older I get, the less clear some things are.  And the less that matters. 

God will take care of me and mine..  Always has.  Always will.  I have been blessed way beyond anything I could have ever hoped for or even imagined.  So I am pretty much OK if today is the last day in this life.  Pretty much OK if I have 20 more years.

So today I will do what I do every day.  Follow Jesus and invite others to do the same. 

Thanks God.  I am in awe of what you have done.  Still excited to see what you will do.  So I'll just keep on keeping on as long as you want.     

Happy Birthday Steve! I'm thankful you're still going strong and still an "evangelism freak"! You're one of my biggest heroes! Love you brother! Your much younger friend, by less than a month, Richard
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