Wednesday, September 05, 2018


Church Growth May Not Be the Same as Kingdom Growth

I spend much of my time in conversation with church leaders and members about church growth.  Lots of churches out there that are shrinking and dying.  They are very aware that if something does not change, they are going to be gone in a few years.  Other congregations are treading water and they know it.  Not really growing. 

So they ask my opinion about how to grow.  And almost every one of them does not like my answer.  Too simplistic.  Maybe it is.  But they are asking me so they should probably expect a simplistic answer.  After all, I am no church growth expert.

And my answer is hard.  It requires a real attitude shift in most churches.

But here it is. 

Make disciples.  Add new births (spiritually).  Sell out for evangelism.  Change lives.  Serve in the name of Jesus.  Share your faith.  Grow.

But what I often hear leads me to believe many of these churches do not really want Kingdom growth.  They want church growth.  Or at least "stay even" numbers.

Because they say things like this:  Of course we need to be evangelistic, but what about

... our young people.  How do we keep them from leaving.
...our young families are not involved.
...should we look at changing our worship style
...should we use women in our public assemblies

Sometimes it is like seeing cracks in the foundation of the house and listening to a discussion about if someone ought to try a different color of paint on the outside.

Be a gospel church.  Be a good news church.  Your message ought always to be that sin leads to a broken relationship with God.  Jesus is the answer.  Follow him.  Preach it.  Communion it.  Sing it.  Pray it.  Live it.

Changed lives because your church loves God with all you have.

Radical service in your community and taking care of each other because you love your neighbor as yourself.

New births because you tell the story of Jesus.  Everywhere.  And all the time.  Every member.

That will grow the Kingdom and your church.  If that does not engage your young people and young families then so be it.  But I am convinced most of our younger adults are hungry for a church that makes a difference.  That asks them to partner with God in growing our Kingdom.  Asking them to serve, not be served. 

A church focused on those outside, not focused on those inside.

Real churches for real people serving a real God.

So if your family is shrinking ... make more babies.

It is what Jesus told us to do.  All over the world.

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