Thursday, September 06, 2018
Why am I such an evangelism freak?
So why do I get so cranked up about evangelism? I do get asked that occasionally. Sometimes by people that think I am too focused on reaching lost people. Or at least too intense about it. Sort of a one trick pony. As if that is all I care about.
So every once in a while it is good for me to remember why I am the way that I am.
I live in a broken world full of broken people. There are a lot of evil people in our world. Mean, hateful people. People who will do anything for money. People who will destroy anyone to get what they want. Addictions and broken relationships everywhere. Fear abounds. Very little joy, peace, or hope. And I know why. Sin. Sin breaks our relationship with God and nothing will ever work right until that relationship is restored. And by the way, I am not speaking generically. I have friends and people I love that are broken.
I know the answer. It is Jesus. He is the only way to restore our relationship with God. He is the way, the truth, and the life. The answer is not found in any political system or country. The answer is not to try and be so nice that everyone around me will be nice also. The answer is not food and housing. Or better jobs. Those only address symptoms of the real problem. Sin is only fixed by Jesus.
So God sent Jesus to die for the sins of this world. Because He loves us. I know that. I believe that. I have given my life to Jesus. I am forgiven and restored. I am a follower of Jesus.
And he told me to go make more followers. I get to partner with God in reconciling the people in my world back to God. By bringing them to Jesus.
Most Christians will not. Jesus himself said the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
Most churches will not. The vast majority of their time and money is focused on themselves.
If your church is not sold out to reach the lost, you can be. And others will join you. You may change the whole culture of your church.
If you cannot figure out how to be a natural evangelist, support those who are. Pray for them and the lost people. Pray for lost individuals. Support the evangelists among you. And I mean financially. Fund the coffee and meals they buy when engaging non-believers. Invite the lost to a meal or to special events. Connect them to the evangelists. To use an old sales saying: feed prospects to your closer. Most evangelists I know are happy to talk about Jesus. You can be the connection point.
So do something. Please. Our world needs Jesus.
You know people that will spend eternity separated from God. You cannot make them follow Jesus. You can be sure they have the opportunity.
I am going to make other followers for as long as God gives me life.
Please join me.
You will change lives forever.
So every once in a while it is good for me to remember why I am the way that I am.
I live in a broken world full of broken people. There are a lot of evil people in our world. Mean, hateful people. People who will do anything for money. People who will destroy anyone to get what they want. Addictions and broken relationships everywhere. Fear abounds. Very little joy, peace, or hope. And I know why. Sin. Sin breaks our relationship with God and nothing will ever work right until that relationship is restored. And by the way, I am not speaking generically. I have friends and people I love that are broken.
I know the answer. It is Jesus. He is the only way to restore our relationship with God. He is the way, the truth, and the life. The answer is not found in any political system or country. The answer is not to try and be so nice that everyone around me will be nice also. The answer is not food and housing. Or better jobs. Those only address symptoms of the real problem. Sin is only fixed by Jesus.
So God sent Jesus to die for the sins of this world. Because He loves us. I know that. I believe that. I have given my life to Jesus. I am forgiven and restored. I am a follower of Jesus.
And he told me to go make more followers. I get to partner with God in reconciling the people in my world back to God. By bringing them to Jesus.
Most Christians will not. Jesus himself said the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.
Most churches will not. The vast majority of their time and money is focused on themselves.
If your church is not sold out to reach the lost, you can be. And others will join you. You may change the whole culture of your church.
If you cannot figure out how to be a natural evangelist, support those who are. Pray for them and the lost people. Pray for lost individuals. Support the evangelists among you. And I mean financially. Fund the coffee and meals they buy when engaging non-believers. Invite the lost to a meal or to special events. Connect them to the evangelists. To use an old sales saying: feed prospects to your closer. Most evangelists I know are happy to talk about Jesus. You can be the connection point.
So do something. Please. Our world needs Jesus.
You know people that will spend eternity separated from God. You cannot make them follow Jesus. You can be sure they have the opportunity.
I am going to make other followers for as long as God gives me life.
Please join me.
You will change lives forever.