Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Andrew Joel Ridgell had another birthday...
So my Grandson, Andrew Joel Ridgell, turned 11 yesterday. So as is my custom, here is why I love him and am so proud of him.
He is a committed, passionate Christ follower. He wants to do what Jesus would have him to do. I watched him last Friday at Grandparents Day at his school. There was not a kid there that he did not greet by name, talk to, wish them a Happy Thanksgiving. He genuinely loves people. All of them.
And he loves God when things are hard. He spent a lot of this last year wondering if his eyes would be normal. Had several months of double vision due to an accident. Stayed the same happy, loving kid as always.
Twice he has been voted the servant leader award in his grade. Love the fact that he doesn't think it is a big deal. It is just Andrew being Andrew.
He loves the outdoors. Really loves to fish. Likes catching fish, but is happy to just go fish. That bodes well for lots of future Pops/Andrew time.
Great athlete. Very competitive. Intense point guard. Pretty good pitcher, good third baseman and really good outfielder. Knocks the thunder out of the ball.
I got to hear him speak to the main assembly at Grandparent Day. He is the Elementary School Student Counsel President. He spoke on legacy and talked about his four grandparents and the legacy of faith he was getting. Talked about his Pops going all over the world to tell people about Jesus. But what made me the happiest was when he talked about learning to tell others about Jesus and that the real legacy was faith in Jesus and sharing that with others.
People that know our family mentioned how much he reminded them of his Dad and his Pops. Loves Jesus and wants others to love him too.
I am blessed.
So thanks God for Andrew. Thanks for his heart and his passion for others to know you. Protect him and take care of him. I look forward to what you will do with him and through him.
So Andrew... Pops loves you and is proud of you.
Go God.