Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Thinking about graduation, award assemblies, and what really matters...

College graduation is a big deal.  So is High School graduation.  And this is the season for both.  We have lots of friends celebrating kids and grandkids achieving these milestones.  And just this Spring, we have had our own grandkids having graduation/award ceremonies in 2nd, 5th, 6th, and 7th grades.

Lots of academic awards in our family.  All A's, A/B Honor Roll, Academic excellence awards, and individual subject awards.  I would expect that to continue thru High School and I imagine they will all go to college.  Wouldn't be surprised if some of them ended up with multiple degrees.

But here's the thing about grades.  By the time you get to be 25 or so you have figured out no one cares anymore about your grade point.  Academic success may open a few doors early in life, but in the real world it does not matter very much. 

The grands racked up the athletic awards this Spring.  MVP awards, US Regional medals, All Stars, select teams, playing up.  They are really good athletes.  I think most will letter multiple times in High School if they want to keep playing.  There is a chance some will even play in college, maybe on scholarship.  But here is the thing about athletics.  By the time you are 25 or so you will realize that you and 99% of the teammates you ever had do not play anymore.  Athletic success just does not continue.

One of my grands even has their own You Tube channel and hit 23,000 subscribers this Spring.  23,000.  But that is a field that is incredibly difficult to stay relevant in.  By the time they are 25, You Tube will probably be obsolete.

But there were also a lot of outstanding citizen awards, and class officers, and teacher comments.  Lots of talk about how funny and entertaining.  But lots more about caring about classmates, checking up on people, helping others, and being like Jesus. 

And by the time they are 25, they will have figured out that those are the things that matter.  Character.  Being like Jesus.  Loving God and loving others.  Making a difference in this world for the kingdom that lasts forever.  Making disciples.

So as a grandparent, I love watching the sports and the videos.  Proud of the academics.  But what really fills my heart are the comments and awards that reflect who they are. 

Jesus people.

And that will matter forever.

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