Wednesday, June 12, 2019


More preachers ought to be like Rick,

I talk to lots of preachers about role models.  Identifying preachers they should want to learn from and be like.

So today I thought I would talk about Rick Atchley at the Hills church in Fort Worth.  And I want to tell you why you ought to be like Rick, and why I am a Rick Atchley fan.

You probably assume it is because he is such a great communicator.  No.  He is, but that is not why.

He always preaches out of the text... wherever that leads.  Yes he does, but that is not really why I am a Rick fan.

He has preached at the same church for 30 years.  Yes he has and that is amazing but that is not why I want preachers to use him as a role model.

You may even know my son and his family are very active at the Hills and think that is why I am a Rick fan.  While I do appreciate his influence on my family -- and I have told him so -- that is not it either.

Here it is.

Rick is an evangelistic preacher.  He passionately wants lost people to find Jesus.  I rarely hear Rick preach that he does not invite seekers into further conversation.  Their Summer Spectacular (VBS) is intentionally designed as a opportunity to invite non-believers to the Hills.  And they follow up on them.  They baptize a lot of people at his church.  Not just their own kids, but true non-believers who come to Jesus.

I have heard Rick talk to young preachers about being evangelistic so I know it is his heart.

So the Hills is not just better because Rick Atchley preaches at it.  It is bigger. 

Not growth by transfer. 

Growth by new births.

So preachers:  Be like Rick.  Commit to reaching those that do not know the Jesus who died for them.

Thanks Rick.

Thanks God for Rick Atchley.  Thank you for setting his heart to lost people.  Give him many years to help bring others to you.  And increase his tribe.

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