Monday, April 06, 2020


Marsha has a birthday today

Today is my wife's birthday.  Here are just a few random reasons I love her and am proud of her.

She is 67 and doesn't care.  She doesn't look it.  Even better, she doesn't act it.  And having known her almost 50 years it is special that she is still the same in all the ways that matter.  Loves God and loves people.

People that know us say if you want to hear about Jesus, find Steve.  If you want to see Jesus, find Marsha.  There is a lot of truth in that.  She is really good at the hands and feet of Jesus stuff.

Love the way she took care of her folks.  Love the way she takes care of my Mom now.

Since I am a traveling preacher, she often does special things for me when I have been gone a lot.  Chocolate pie is one of those.  She made one the other day.  Not because I have been traveling, but because she knows how much I miss it.

And I love that she still lets me go talk about Jesus.  Lots of couples our age have retired.  She still packs for me, prays for me, takes me to the airport, and picks me up. 

Great Mom, fantastic Mimi.

Treats everyone the same. 

She is a stayer.  I can only imagine how different -- and by different I mean worse -- my life would be without her. 

Not much celebrating today because of the pandemic.  But lots of full hearts.

I read a bunch of her Facebook happy birthday to you posts.  The most common adjective used was sweet.  Sweet Marsha.  That is true. 

So love her and blessed by her.

Thanks God for Mimi Marsha.

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