Thursday, May 07, 2020


What Can I Do about a Fallen World

Our world is evil.  There is so much hatred, violence, abuse, racism, greed.  Our country is no exception.  I hear a lot of talk about how we must do better.  How it is unacceptable.  So our culture must change.  Our country must change.  Our world must change.

So how does that happen?  Elect a Christian leader?  Or at least someone who reflects Christian values.  I know a lot of Christians who agree with that 100%.  They just don't at all agree on who that would be.

Who raises children to hate someone because of the color of their skin?  Or to hate someone who votes differently.  Or to hate people who are just ... different.  Every school I know -- and have ever known -- has bullies.  Those who abuse others.  Emotionally.  Physically. 

Cheer for the suicide.  Murder.  Slavery.  We live in a fallen world. 

I have to do something.  Not from the top down.  Because that never has worked.  And not just something that makes me feel better.  Not something that spews hatred in a "righteous" cause.

Something that is hard.  Personal.  Difficult. 

So here are the three things I will do.

Pray.  First for me that I will live as a disciple of Jesus.  For other believers living in this foreign and alien world.  For those that do not know Jesus.  For courage to act.

I will continue to be intentional about living my love, living my faith, living my commitment.  So I will continue to do my best to see past color or economic differences.  To be like God and look past the external.  I will speak truth.  Not just in public forums.  But in my life where no one will know but me and the people I encounter.  My home will be an outpost where people -- all people -- are valued and loved. 

I will tell people about Jesus.  I will partner with God in the amazing task of reconciling people to God thru Jesus.  Because when I bring someone to Jesus, I have helped change this world, my country, this culture.  There will then be another outpost where families are taught love, service, and faith. 

And they will be out of step with the culture around them because Christians always are.

But we do make this world a better place. 

Because of Jesus.

The only answer.

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