Thursday, September 10, 2020


I am turning 69 tomorrow

So tomorrow is my birthday.  69.  So here are the answers to a few questions about my future.

My future is much shorter and I know that.  I always thought I could go full-speed until 70 and still go strong until 80.  But the truth is, I have no idea what the future holds.

I do know what I am going to do as long as possible.  The same thing I am doing now.  

Tell people about Jesus.  Within my circle of influence and if things change a little and I keep my energy, I hope to do more evangelistic story telling events.  

I hope to continue motivating, equipping, and inspiring other Christians to share their faith.

I want to help the committed believers who are struggling with sin.  Shepherding the people who choose to follow me and also equipping spiritual helpers (elders, parents, friends).

Enjoy my kids and grands.  I am really blessed and I want to treasure these times. 

Hang out with Marsha.  Fun.  

Everyone seems to ask about retirement.  No plans to really ever "hang it up."

I think they mean am I going to stop working.  Translated:  getting paid.

Well, I still do a little work for Herald of Truth and I will do that as long as they want me.

Maybe some church will offer me a little to be their evangelist/crisis shepherd.

Maybe I'll preach for a small church somewhere.  Or be part of a preaching team.

But here are the two things I do know.

God will let us know where to be in a community of faith.  There are three or four churches we do stuff with now and that doesn't count neighborhood church.

And God has always taken care of our needs.  Always.  We have been blessed.  So not really worried about that either.

So I guess I am just going to keep on with what I am doing.  

Until I can't.  Or until God takes me home.

I am blessed. 

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