Thursday, September 24, 2020


What your social media says about Jesus

 A lot of Christians are posting strong political opinions on social media.  Strong.  Opinions.  

So what do your non-believing friends think when they read your posts?  What is your witness?

Are they drawn closer to God or are barriers being erected?

Do they read love for your neighbors or do they read hate for people who do not agree with you?

Do they see fear or do they see faith?

People of peace or people of anger?

Trust in God or trust in a political party?

Allegiance above all to a country or to the Kingdom of God?

Christians are united or divided?

Do they see that political opinions are a test of faith to be in your church?

Do they see the fruits of the Holy Spirit in your posts?  You know -- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Do a quick read thru of what you are putting out there and see if you reflect Jesus.

I believe we are in the midst of one of the greatest opportunities we have seen to bring people to Jesus.  In the midst of a pandemic, in a country full of anger and hate, with economic hardship all around, with addictions on the rise, and families in crisis.

What an opportunity to speak Jesus into the lives of our friends and neighbors.  

What a time to live lives of faith, peace and hope.  People will certainly ask the reason for the hope we have.

There is a different way to live.

Not like the world.  

The Jesus way.

People are watching, listening, reading.  So is God.

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