Tuesday, October 06, 2020


God may not want your candidate to win...

 There are a lot of Christians very certain they know who God wants to win the election. But here is the question I think we need to consider.

God may not want your candidate to win.

I understand the desire to vote your Christian principles.  And you may be right that your candidate is more in line with Jesus values.

But what if the desired outcome is not to elect the candidate who will make America the most Christian?

I am 100% convinced that we should pray for God's will to be done and then pray for whoever wins.  But the one you vote for may not be the one God wants in office.

God is not thinking about what is best for the United States.  God is thinking about what is best for His Kingdom.  And that may not be what seems to you to be best for America.

The best thing that can happen to America is for more people in this country to become Christians.  That means more people saved.  Stronger morals.  Less racism.  Christians make better countries.  

Whoever wins the election -- and combined with the Covid crisis -- means our country will never be the same.  

That may be better for the Kingdom.

The church has not done well being tied closely to politics.  We tend to lose our identity in Jesus and find it in a politician or political party.  Since Constantine made Christianity the official religion, we have tended to look like our government.  Fit in with culture.  You know... all the things they did not do in Acts and in the first few years after Jesus.

I know the worries,

But the economy may go in the toilet.  And that may mean people look for something else to provide for them.  And we have the answer.

But religion may be outlawed.  Or persecuted.  And we will boom.  Real commitment and passion to the mission.

But what about the morals?  Which ones?  Cultures change morals all the time.  And legislated morals do not stick.  You have to change hearts.  Heart change is a Jesus result.  

But things won't be the way I think they should be.  Trust God.  He knows more than you.

Maybe your candidate loses.  

And that may be exactly God's will.

Stay on mission.  

I agree that my Candidate may lose, because he did in 2008 and 2012. That may of been necessary for our Country to Elect Donald Trump as President. Biden is a liar ans his answers can be fact checked and shown to be false. The Democrat Party Platform shows that they are Anti-Christian and Anti-God as they took out the words "Under God" in our Pledge. Republicans say "Under God" Democrats don't. Republicans are against Abortion, Democrats are for it. Abortion is Murder. So is it possible for God to allow a "Evil
leader to get in Power ? Yes, because it's happened all the time. Since the time of Pharaoh(Moses) God has allowed a Evil leader in order to show his power. God does want us to look to him, but I think the 8 years of Obama were the years that set up President Trump to lead our Country into a better life Under God.
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