Thursday, November 05, 2020


Charles Hodge, grace, and the mule sermon

 Charles Hodge was one of our preachers. 

He was at Rosemont church of Christ in Fort Worth for years.  Marsha and her family went there for for her early teen years while her parents owned a Bar B Que joint near there.  Herttenberger and Hodge were good friends.  Partly because they loved sports, partly because they loved Bar B Que, but mostly because they loved Jesus.

My wife Marsha even babysat the Hodge kids some.  He was her preacher.

And Hodge preached at Duncanville where my Dad was an elder.  And they become good friends. Hodge told me many times what a great elder my Dad was.  And my Dad told me many times what a great preacher Hodge was.  

He was loud, boisterous, and full of life.  His style wasn't for everyone.  I mean ... his most well-known sermon was about a mule.  That always made him grin.

I am looking at my bookshelf right now and seeing my two favorite books that he wrote.

Amazing Grace.  He taught and preach a lot about grace.  

Will God Run?  About the Prodigal Son and the answer was that of course God would run.  Run to the prodigal coming home.  More grace.

Hodge -- and that is what everyone called him, and even what he called himself -- never really cared about crowds or fame.  Never cared about crowds or reputation.

He cared about Jesus. And he cared that every one else learn to care about Jesus too.

He loved people.  Everyone thought they were his best friend and that you were his favorite.

Great man who was a great preacher because he knew a great Savior.

So Hodge.  Thanks for loving Marsha and me. 

Enjoy hanging out with my Dads.  

Thanks for letting me know I was your favorite preacher.  :)

See you soon. 

Great tribute Steve. I loved reading and listening to Hodge.
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