Thursday, November 12, 2020
Praying for Mitch Wilburn
A lot of you will know Mitch Wilburn. I want to give a living tribute to Mitch and ask a favor.
I have known Mitch since he was at ACU. He used to hear me preach when he was in college. Mitch went on to be a highly effective youth minister and I knew a number of students who interned under him. They learned a lot.
He is the preacher for the Park church of Christ in Tulsa. Doing a great job. I have been up there to speak several times. That is a church that wants to make a difference. But of course they would or they wouldn't have Mitch as their preacher.
Oh yeah. And we have both been Alumnus of the Year for the same Fraternity at ACU.
Loves Jesus, loves people, loves making a difference.
And... he is a cancer survivor. Puts some real perspective into his preaching. Loves BarBQue too.
So now Mitch has Covid. Been in the hospital a little over a month. In ICU much of that time. Off and on the ventilator. He is really sick. His wife Shannon has had Covid too. Just not as bad. She recovered and is keeping us all up to date on Mitch.
So pray for Mitch's healing. He has a lot of Kingdom work to do. He will help Park do amazing Kingdom things in Tulsa.
But here is what I want you to know right now about Mitch.
He is doing some of his best preaching from that hospital bed.
He is living his faith with praise in the midst of a horrible and uncertain storm. Not a doubt in his mind but that God is completely in control. Absolutely trusts God to take care of him.
Actually looks death is the eye and trusts God to heal him. Really -- not just preacher words but really -- is fine with whatever God does with him.
Because he chooses faith over fear.
He and Shannon are really preaching what a Christian marriage looks like.
Really demonstrating what it means to choose faith no matter what. Livng out "Blessed Be Your Name".
So I believe God will heal Mitch. I ask Him to every day. And He will.
So if you are reading this, take a moment to give a prayer of thanks for Mitch and Shannon. And ask God to go ahead and heal Mitch now.
One last thing I want to say. If you are one of my non-Christian friends reading this, or one of my friends who is struggling to live your faith, what you are reading about Mitch is really what the Jesus life is.
I would love to help you figure out how you can have this kind of faith. So hit me up and we can talk.
And in a few weeks I think Mitch will be glad to help you also.
Because of Jesus.