Thursday, December 31, 2020


Read Your Bible this Year

This is the New Year's Resolution for all of us.  

Read your Bible this year.

I am not telling you to even study it.  Just read it.  You will be amazed how much more you know about God, Jesus, and life if you just read your Bible.

Stop reading it to prove your point.  It is not a legalistic document to be twisted -- or changed -- to fit your particular life choices.  It is God speaking to you.

It is the living word of God inspired by the Holy Spirit.

You need to treasure it.  Love it.  Store it in your heart.  That happens by reading it.

Read Scripture more than you read about Scripture.  More than you do devotional readings.

How do you find a good reading plan?

You don't have to, just start.  One chapter a day.  Start anywhere.  Just start.

If you have to have a reading plan, check out  He also has a YouTube video he posts everyday.  Short and goes along with the daily reading.  It's good. 

Or search the internet.  Lots of plans.

Some of you teach Bible class or preach and you spend much time studying Scripture.  I appreciate that but read for you  -- to learn, not just for your lesson.

Some of you would like to be elders some day.  You have to know Scripture so start reading.

Your spiritual growth will be amazing this next year if you will just read your Bible. 

Read your Bible.

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