Thursday, January 07, 2021


My Grandson Jake is turning 15

My grandson, Jake Gilbreth, turns 15 in a couple of days.  As is my custom, here are just a few of the reasons I love him and am proud of him.

He is a very talented and creative guy.  Self taught musician, especially good on the drums.  Very good with multi-media.  And it is all learned on his own. He sees something he likes and he learns how to do it.

He will always make a living.  I know that because he has started several succesful businesses already in life.  Custom shoes. You Tube channel.  I enjoy waiting to see what his next project will be.

I appreciate a polite teenager.  Jake consisistently thanks me for giving him rides, buying lunch, or any thing I do to help him.  

Jake is his own man.  He does not have to do what everyone else does.  Doesn't care what the "in thing" is.  That is a trait that will serve him well in life.  Makes it hard to know what he is thinking sometimes.  And I suspect he will be hard to really get to know.  But it also makes him able to stand on his own feet.

Jake can talk to older people.  Some teens can't -- or won't.  Jake does.

He takes responsibility.  Helps his Mom around the house and in the yard.  Often without being asked or told to.  

Makes good grades.

He is a nice guy.  Not just polite, but actually nice to everyone.  Has a heart for those on the outside.  Helps those who are bullied.  Opens doors.  

He is not entitled.  Rare among teenagers.

Yes, life has been tough.  Had some hard health scares in his past.  Raised by a single Mom.  But he always overcomes.  

Of course I like my grandson.  But as he becomes a man, I realize that I also respect him.  That is a rare gift.

And I trust Jake.  He is dependable.

He is learning that his self-worth is absolutely not dependant upon what others think.

So Jake I love you and am proud of you.  You have a lot of qualities I wish I had when I was younger.  

God has been good to you, blessed you, and protected you.  I cannot wait to see what the future holds.    

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