Tuesday, January 05, 2021


The Holy Spirit and the Bible

I believe the Holy Spirit inspired the Bible.  Scripture was written by men at a specific time to a certain group of people.  But I beleive it is also written for all people everywhere in all times.  I believe the Holy Spirit inspired Scripture and I beleive the Holy Spirit worked in collecting the Scriptures into what we know as the Bible.

So obviously I don't think the Bible is wrong about some things.  Or any thing.

Yet I have heard some interesting theories about the Bible and the Holy Spirit.  

When I was growing up, I occasionally heard a theory that the Holy Spirit only worked thru the Bible.  Not could work thru Scripture.  Or did work thru Scripture.  But could only work thru Scripture.  Closely tied to that was the idea that the Holy Spirit did not live in Christians, but only in the Word.

It always seemed odd because you couldn't find that teaching in the Bible.  In fact, the Bible said just the opposite.  Clearly.  Many times in several places.  I remember hearing that point made and watching people fight and draw lines of fellowship.

You don't hear this much anymore.  I think it is because doctrines that are against Scripture just don't last long.  They may be around for years, or even decades in certain places.  But they don't last.

Today I hear a lot of talk about the Holy Spirit leading believers to see new truth about what is written in Scripture.  Almost as if the Holy Spirit could not use Scripture.  As if the Holy Spirit inspired a Word from God that was true 2000 years ago but not quite as true today in our culture.

I have a hard time thinking the Holy Spirit was wrong and we need to correct what was said in Scripture.  Just doesn't make sense to me. I don't get how the Holy Spirit could be right then but now has to guide us into a new understanding of what is no longer correct.  

I just don't think Paul and Jesus disagree in what they teach in the Bible.  I don't think the Old Testament and the New Testament are in opposition.  

So when I find things in the Bible that I don't really believe (or don't want to believe), or when I find things that would make me change how I want to live -- I assume I am the one that is wrong.  So my thinking and my life are what needs to change.  Not the Bible.

So thanks God for having your Holy Spirit inspire men to put down your message for us.  You know best and help me always remember that.  In Jesus.

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