Thursday, February 04, 2021


There is only one answer for a broken world

I cannot imagine that anyone argues our world is not broken.  Some good obviously.  Christians.  Even non-Christians will be good and do good because they are made in the image of God.  But there is too much pain and brokeness.  The answer is not in countries or culture or church.  


I believe God is the only answer for our world.  Because real change is a matter of the heart.  Countries try laws.  Culture goes by what the majority want to do.  Institutional churches are focused on themselves.  

But God changes hearts.

He gave His Son so we can be forgiven.  Forgiven of all the things we have done -- and do -- that break us and break others.  

He gives us His Holy Spirit as believers so we can be holy in a broken world.

He gives us His Word so we can know Him better and know how to be his people.

And He asks us to love Him with all our heart.  And to love others as we love ourselves.

That changes everything.

Not because we are perfect but because we are getting better at living like Jesus.

This can happen in any country.  Even countries that oppose so much of what God wants.

It happens in any culture.  We Christians are different.  We may -- will -- be persecuted because most will not follow the Jesus way.

We live together in spiritual family and community.  Not as an organized church with rules and structure and conformed to the way the world works.  But people together woshipping, serving, loving, growing in Jesus.

So the real question is what answer works?

If you are not a Christian, maybe you ought to check us out.

If you are, spend your time, energy, and resources teaching others the Jesus way.  

Because when you do, you are changing and healing this world.  

And just maybe... changing countries and cultures and churches. 

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