Tuesday, February 16, 2021
What Should Christians Do about Poverty, Health, and Hurting People
I hear a lot of discussion these days in preacher circles about eliminating homelessness. Or poverty. Or hunger. About making sure everyone in the world has clean drinking water. Worthy goals. Noble objectives.
Jesus did not heal everyone. He did not eliminate poverty. Or hunger. In fact, he seemed to indicate that these social ills would always be present in this world.
But Jesus did heal people. And feed people.
He told us that one of the factors in our judgment would be how we treated the less fortunate among us.
So here are a few of the things I have been thinking and wrestling with lately.
I am absolutely convinced that I am called as a follower of Jesus to help those in my world who are in need. So I feed hungry people. My wife and I minister to sick people (and I mean by this taking food, rides to the Dr., sitting with sick and their families, praying over them and for them, even paying medical bills). We visit lonely people.
If I refuse to do this, I am not a faithful follower.
But I am not sure it is my mission -- or the mission of the church -- to eliminate these conditions.
Because we cannot. Because Jesus did not see that as his mission.
And because I think these goals detract from the real mission. The real mission is to make disciples.
So I wrestle with the inherent conflict.
It seems to me the true call is for me to examine my life and see how I am loving and caring for people in real time and real life.
Of course, if I do that I also have the opportunity to share my faith.
If they become disciples, there are more people now going around helping people.
But that takes a lot of time, energy, and money. My time, energy, and money.
It might be a lot easier to try and change systems and structures so there is no hunger or poverty.
But I am not sure that will ever work in a fallen world.
The poor are always going to be with us. So I will help where I can.
I encourage you to do the same. Not dramatic or flashy. Maybe not even world changing.
But certainly life changing. Mine and maybe theirs too.