Thursday, March 04, 2021
On Government, Laws, Truth, and a Christian Perspective
Things are certainly changing. Laws about gender and about marriage. Many Christians are concerned because the new laws contradict what the Bible teaches. There is concern about what that means for our churches. There is worry over how that will play out in the lives of individual Christians. Will our beliefs affect work opportunities? Will they have to make choices about obeying God rather than men?
So here a few things to remember as Christians.
Truth will still be true. No matter what any government decides, it will not change God’s teaching. Nor will it change God’s intentions for how we should live.
Just because culture/government claims something to be true
does not mean you have to accept it as truth.
Men have often exchanged truth for a lie (read Romans 1). Don’t fall for it.
We are on the right side of history. Our culture is not. God will vindicate our faithfulness. Truth will triumph.
This world is not your home.
Your God will take care of you.
Memorize Joshua 1:9
Be courageous. Do not
be terrified. Do not be discouraged.
Our God is with you wherever you go.