Tuesday, March 23, 2021
What Happens to Churches that Conform to Culture
Churches have to make hard decisions. Conform to culture or stand for Jesus and against culture. Not stand against people, but against the things of this world. Here are things that will happen if you listen to culture.
Your church gets smaller and smaller. I still remember the many church buildings I have seen in Europe that are empty. If they still assemble, it is a very small room in what was once a large church ediface. Most of the buildings now museums. It happens when your church follows culture.
You move away from believing in the Bible. Spend enough time explaining why the Bible does not mean what it says and soon you will find no one cares what it says.
Your members are weak. Don't give. Not much prayer life. No ministry. No new births because no evangelism.
Look at every post-Christian society. This is what happens.
Our Kingdom is not of this world. We are aliens and strangers here.
Jesus spoke of trouble and persecution. As fact, not possibilities.
Culture will accuse Christians of all kinds of false things.
It will be hard to be a faithful church in the face of culture.
If you do not remain faithful, your church has no future.