Thursday, April 29, 2021


Justin's Journey to Jesus

 I love Justin Sargent and I am proud of his journey to become a disciple of Jesus.

I want you to hear the highlights of his journey so you can help others on their journey.  And if you are wondering about the whole Jesus thing, maybe his story will help you on your journey.

Justin figured out life was not really working for him.  Not in the ways that really mattered.  He wanted to be a better family man, especially wanted to be a good Dad to his three kids.  

He thought Jesus might be the answer.  He didn't really buy in to following Jesus when he was growing up.  Heard enough to kind of believe but not to commit.  Even went to church some with his wife.  Not regularly and not with any sense of conviction.  His wife bought in and was baptized.  But not Justin.  Not really interested in talking about Jesus.  I know because I was one of the ones that asked.

But now he wondered if Jesus might be the answer he was looking for.  He had the courage to call a couple of older men in the church down in Winters, Texas.  Phil was not only an elder there, but Justin had worked for Phil some and had real respect for him and his two sons.  Jackie was about to become an elder.  Justin asked their advice about life with Jesus.  They talked about what Jesus meant to them and the difference He made in their life.  Each of them spoke truth from Scripture into life.  They prayed over him.  

Justin reached out to me to learn more about Jesus and what it meant to follow him.  We met often at a local coffee shop in Abilene to talk and to tell stories from the Bible about Jesus and his followers.

Two father figures and a grandfather figure -- that was me :).  Testimonies, Scripture, prayer, love, support, and coffee.

And last Sunday Justin made to decision to give his life over to Jesus.  He died and was buried with Jesus in baptism.  A lot of people showed up to support him.  And to promise to keep supporting him.

I think there will people in the future that God will connect to Justin. People looking for answers.  And I think Justin will tell them his story.

So thank you God for giving your son to die for Phil, Jackie, Justin, and me.  Thanks for connecting a seeker to beleivers.  Bless Justin in his new journey as a disciple.  Do great things thru him and to him.  For Jesus.  

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