Tuesday, May 04, 2021
A few more random thoughts on elders
I want my elders to be men of strong Christian character. I want them to know Scripture and teach it. I want them to have strong families.
I do think in many ways elders are recognized as much as selected. A man who is not shepherding in his community of faith will not become a shepherd overnight just because he is appointed an elder.
How do you pick elders? In the New Testament, the preachers seemed to appoint them. And yes, I know that those preachers were not salaried and employed by the elders. I get the inherent conflict of picking the men who set your salary.
I know many churches have what amounts to an election. I see the strength in letting the congregation choose who to follow. I also know that sometimes leads to men "running" for office. Or being put up before the congregation often so everyone will vote for them.
Some elders select the other elders. I get the danger of only picking men like themselves, but I also have a lot of sympathy for letting your spiritual leaders select the other spiritual leaders.
What do you do with "bad" elders? Some churches select elders every three to five years and have all the elders go thru the process. Others put elders in for life. By the way, Scripture does have instructions for how to deal with those elders in I Timothy 5.
And then there are the elders who are not elders. They are not recongnized by the church, but by individuals. I have men in my life I consider to be my elders. I have told them.
I believe elders have authority in the church. More than the preachers do. I also believe good elders are the best way to ensure a healthy congregation. Bad elders are the best way to destroy a church.
Yes I think elders can be paid. And maybe should be.
I served as an elder in a church for a long time. Working with my flock was the greatest joy of my life, even when it was incredibly painful.
Church politics and the business of eldering was one of the most painful experiences of my life. Hated it.
So thanks to the elders that have molded me. I owe you my spiritual life.
Thanks to the men who continue to shepherd me. The elders where we worship. The individual elders who serve in churches that we do not attend but that still recognize as shepherds. And the men who are not elders but that we recognize as our shepherds.
God bless you.