Tuesday, May 11, 2021


God talks about sex and so should we

It is time for Christians to stop letting culture define our view of sex.  God actually has quite a bit to say about sex.  Maybe it is just that we Christians don't feel comfortable talking about it.  But we should.

After all, God made us.  He knows us.  And since we are real people living in a real world and committed to following a real God, it only makes sense that He would speak truth into our lives about something as real as sex.

So here are four things God says to us about sex.

It is foundational to our marriages.  Read the end of Genesis 2.  A man and woman leave their families and form new families.  They become one flesh.  I believe that to be a reference to our sexual union.  Sex is what binds us together.  It unites us.  That is also why it is designed for one man and one woman to be exclusive.  Unity.  It is why there are so many warnings against adultery.  

God made sex to be enjoyed.  Read Proverbs 5.  Sex between a husband and wife is fun.  Always.  That is the way God intended it.  The world sometimes talks as if the church is against all sex because we are against fun.  Not true.  God loves us enough to make sex enjoyable.

God explains why Christians, marriage, and exclusive sex are connected.  I Corinthians 6.  Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.  So sexual sins are sins against our own body.  The body where the Holy Spirit lives.  Sex outside of your marriage dishonors the Spirit.  It is a forgivable sin.  Check out Psalm 51.  But there is a Christian ethic that matters about sex.

God even gives practical advice about sex in I Corinthians 7.  Your body belongs to your mate, not to you.  That is a uniquely Christian view.  So do not withhold sex from your mate.  Unless it is for spiritual reasons and then not for long.  These helps make your marriage temptation proof.  Practical advice.

One man.  One woman.  Enjoy sex.  God approves of your marriage sex.  As does the Holy Spirit.  

So let's stop letting our culture define what sex should be.  And stop letting culture explain what we believe about sex.  They are wrong.

God is clear.  We need to be clear in teaching it to our teens and to our adults.

Thanks God for the gift of marriage.  And thanks for making it fun.

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