Tuesday, June 08, 2021


You have a past

We all have a "past".  You know, those things you wish you had not done.  The things you wish you had done.  Sometimes it was just a mistake.  Maybe poor judgement.  Often sin.  And often sin labeled as a mistake or poor judgement.  Some of us -- most of us -- are even repeat offenders.  The same sin cropping up over and over.  Or we got stuck in a sin rut and stayed there for days/weeks/months/years.

The point is we all have a past.  You have a past.  Some people have a secret past.  No one knows but you.  Well... and God.  Others have a past very few know about.  Some have a very public past. 

The point is, we all have those things in our past that we are ashamed of or that we still feel guilt over.  

Here are three reasons it is hard to move on from our past -- to get past our past.

You know about it.  You remember it.  Memory is a wonderful thing.  And sometimes a terrible thing.  Things, dates, people, locales all can work to trigger a memory.  So you need to learn to deal with your past.  

Others know and remember.  You will see someone who knows.  Or someone you think knows.  Or even someone you wonder if they know.  Some will always want to remember your past.  They will remind you they know. Or use your past as a weapon.  So you need to be sure you have come to grips with your past.

And this may be the hardest of all.  Sometimes you have to deal with the consequences of your past.  There may be physical issues or emotional consequences.  Sometimes even legal or financial consequences.  So even when you are moving on with your life, there are things that you still have to resolve.  

Dealing with your past is a hard and difficult thing.  Even for Christians.

So next post I am going to share some helpful hints for dealing with you past failures.

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