Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Three topics the Church better start talking about...
Preaching runs in cycles. Lately the trendy thing to talk about in churches is social injustice. Jesus speaks up for the poor and oppressed but I think his teaching is more for how individual Christians respond than how to fix America. Before this, it was felt needs. Jesus does provide for our needs, so again -- no issue here.
But as I work with churches and talk with Christians, I keep thinking about three things we need to talk about a whole lot more. You may or may not agree, but here they are.
Jesus. Every church I know thinks that they talk about Jesus. But you can hear a lot of preaching that does not mention Jesus. We believers need to be reminded of his death and resurrection. We need to see how he lived so we can be follow in his steps. We need to be inviting others to enter the Jesus way. I get how easy it is to assume you are talking about Jesus. And we even wrestle with how to keep the Lord's meal from becoming rote and well... boring. But Jesus death and resurrection are the cornerstones of our faith. Baptism and the Lord's supper are rooted in Jesus. More Jesus preaching and teaching.
Sin. That is man's biggest problem. Sin is what led to the mess this world is in. Sin is what separates us from God. The problems in our world are sin problems. Sin is the whole reason Jesus came to earth. To save sinners. The cross is because of sin. Non-beleivers need to hear that Jesus saves sinners. Christians struggle with forgiveness of the sins in their past. And sometimes in their presence. Marriages break up because of sin. Addictions are a sin issue. I know that preaching on sin is difficult. After all, it is an issue we all struggle with and it is hard not to come across as judgemental. It is not a popular topic in our culture. It is not feel good. Unless you talk about Jesus, then actually I think sin/Jesus is a real feel good story. Warn, encourage, forgive, restore. All connected to preaching about sin.
Death. We don't talk about death. Except at funerals. We should. Because people die. Christians die. It should not be a shocking tragedy. It is real and Christians need to have a healthy response to the fact of death. Sickness, accidents, sin. They all lead to death. Old Christians. Sometimes young Christians. We have to be prepared. More of this world is not my home. More when we all get to heaven. More of the no more tears or pain. More of the seeing God face to face. More getting us ready.
Jesus. Sin. Death.
Preach it.