Tuesday, September 14, 2021


Missing the Point to Prove Your Point

 It is easy to get so caught up in looking for ways to advance our agenda that we miss the main point of what Scripture is saying.

Lest me illustrate by a quick look at preaching agendas.

If you want to push the point about males being the ones to do the preaching, look no further than Acts 2.  It was the apostles that preached and so ...

If you want to push the Senior Pastor model, stay with Acts 2.  After all, Peter is clearly the lead preacher.  So every church must have a lead pastor/minister.  Of course, Pentecost was not exactly a local church setting, but ...

How about pushing woman preachers.  Go back to the resurrection story in Matthew 28.  Women were told to tell Peter and the apostles the amazing news of the resurrection.  Some argue that this is the first gospel sermon and it was entrusted to women.  Just don't talk about the fact that the angel actually announced this news first, so...

Which brings me to my real point.  

While you may, or may not, gain insight into preaching/preachers from these stories, they are not the main point of the story.

The empty tomb is so amazing that an angel from heaven announced it.  The main point is not who tells it.  The main point is HE IS RISEN.  Amazing news that changes everything.  Don't miss the main point trying to prove another point.

Pentecost in Acts 2.  The crucified Jesus is both Lord and Christ.  Repent.  Be baptized.  Forgiveness of sins.  Holy Spirit.  Those are the incredible points at Pentecost.  The main point is not who preaches it.  The main point is Jesus.  

So be careful.  Draw appropriate conclusions, but do not miss the main point trying to prove a lesser point.

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