Thursday, September 02, 2021


Zoom Church????

Let me start by saying that every church I know is really trying to get it right about meeting/not meeting/going back to on-line church.

But let's not act as if on-line worship is just as good as in person.  It is not.  

If you think the sermon is the main point of worship, then it gets you by to do it on-line.  After all, I know many small churches that for years have used video sermons during their worship.  Most preachers are better in person, but some are really good on-line.  

If communion is an act of worship that has to be done, then you don't even need on-line church to do it.  Just do it with those in your home.  

Contribution can certainly be handled in any number of ways on-line.  

Singing to each other is a little problematic, but I guess those singing on-line are singing to you.  

In other words, it is hard to really worship together on-line.  

Some churches have told me they are actually growing.  Getting members from hundreds of miles away to place "on-line" membership.  Give their contribution even.  And if on-line church is just as good as the old way of worshipping, then why not.

And on-line church may be a better way to protect our brothers and sisters from Covid.  At least physically.

Maybe on-line church even motivates you to love and good works.  Maybe visitors on-line are awe-struck by what God is doing on-line.

Perhaps non-believers do see what we are doing and are moved by our love and protection of those in our communities when we do not meet in groups.

I am not even suggesting that we go back -- and stay -- like it used to be.  But someone has to think outside the box as to how to gather together even if it is in smaller groups.  

Because with on-line church we are missing...

Fellowship.  Seeing each other.  Praying together.  Singing together.  Inspiring and motivating each other.  You know, all the things church really is outside of the formal worship activities.  

Loving God and loving our neighbor.  Faith over fear.  Smart.  Sharing the good news.  

There are no easy answers.  I just want us to be sure we are actually thinking this thru.

So ask God for wisdom. 

And yes I keep writing about this.  Because I am spending a lot of time with people who have fallen thru the cracks.  That are not being cared for.  That are not being loved.  That are spiritually fragile.  

Keep trying. 

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