Thursday, October 28, 2021


Church is not the Gospel

 Gospel is good news because it saves us.  Jesus died for our sins.  God raised him from the dead. 

No other gospel will save us.

So ...

Church is not the gospel.  Those who believe the good news of Jesus make up the church.  We are a group of baptized believers living life in community.

But that community does not save us.  It is the saved.

So do not make church into what it is not.  

Many of the gospel sermons I heard growing up were about how to be the right church.  I think a lot of those sermons contained truth.  Some didn't.  I even think there is truth from Scripture about church.  But those sermons were not gospel.

Keeping your name on the church roll does not ensure your salvation.

My heritage is in churches of Christ.

I love that heritage.  

But sometimes we have implied a wrong gospel by emphasizing the Church and not the Christ.

Getting right with Jesus is more important than doing church right.

So remember what the gospel is...

Thank you Jesus.

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