Thursday, October 21, 2021


Right Doctrine is not the gospel

 Good news:  Jesus died for our sins according to the Scriptures, he was buried, and God raised him on the third day according to the Scriptures. 

That is the gospel that saves us.  


So we have to be sure that we are teaching the right gospel.

The Bible is not the gospel.  It is right and true but it will not save you.  Jesus does that.

Right doctine is not not gospel either.  

I believe doctrine is important.  But being right on doctrine will not save you.  

If you figure out exactly the right theology on worship, church organization, life, and well... anything else, that still does not ensure your salvation.  Only Jesus can do that.

I grew up going to "gospel meetings."  But most of them were heavy on the right way to worship or to organize your church.  But not always so much about gospel.    

Knowledge is not the way to God.  Being correct in your theology does not forgive your sins.

It is really easy for Christians to put so much emphasis on getting everything right that we start to equate being right with being saved.  

You will only be saved by believing the gospel.  Jesus dying and being raised.

As a Christian you should study to know what God expects you to believe.  But that is what saved people do.  It is not what you do to be saved.

The Bible is true.  But it does not save you.  Jesus does that.

Never confuse people about the gospel.

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