Thursday, November 25, 2021


A few thoughts on thanks giving

 Our family does it every year, as do many of yours.  Go around the table and say what you are thankful for this year.  So here are a few thoughts on thanks giving.

Do this at some random times throughout the year.  It is always good to be reminded to be thankful.

Listen to the old people.  Their heart is really in tune with the things that matter.

Listen to the little ones.  Their heart is really pure.

I do think spiritual blessings top everything else.  Don't take Jesus for granted.

Give grace to those who have a hard time being thankful because they are overwhelmed.

Don't forget the little things.  They matter too.

This is a great time to say a private word to the people in your life.  Speak to them.  Text them.  Message them.  Call them.  Email them.  Communicate.  Thank them.

Be specific.  Why are you thankful for them?  

And if you are having trouble listing your thanks this year ...

Here are my three go-to subjects.

Faith:  God, Jesus, faith community, God acts, God winks.

Family:  Parents, kids, grands, those who have passed on, those not there.

Food:  Not just for today, but for what God has given all year long.  

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