Thursday, November 11, 2021


Good works are not the gospel

 Jesus saves.

That is the good news.  

Because we are saved, we do good things.  Not so we can be saved, but because we are saved.  

That is the point of Ephesians 2:8-10.  We are saved by grace.  It is a gift from God.  The gift of his son Jesus to die for our sins.  We are not saved by our works.  Because if we were, we would be giving the glory to ourselves instead of to God.  

But he does create us anew so that we can do good works.

Everyone gets this in theory, but in practice many seem to believe that good works save us.

Have I been good enough?

Have I done enough?

No and no.

How much is enough and how good is good enough?

We trust the goodness of Jesus.  We are made holy by Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit.

So get after it for Jesus.  Give God the glory.

Because you believe the gospel

Because Jesus has saved you by the cross where he died for your sins.

Because God raised him from the dead just like he will raise you from the dead.

Because you died with Jesus and were raised to a new life.

Good news.

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