Thursday, November 04, 2021


Not doing the wrong thing is not the Gospel

Saved by the blood of Jesus.  That is good news.  Jesus died so my sins could be forgiven. That is good news.  God raised Jesus from the dead.  That power gives me new life here and the assurance that death will not be the end of my story.

The good news gospel of Jesus.

Because of the gospel, we Christians do a lot of good work

And because of the gospel, there are a lot of things we do not do.

But do not confuse the gospel. 

Not doing wrong will not save you.

First, because you cannot do it.  Only one person ever lived without doing wrong.  

Jesus who died for our wrongs.  That is gospel.

Even as a Christian you will sin.  Read I John 1:7-10.  Powerful promise for the sinning Christian.  

And how much wrong is OK?  Or, which sins don't affect your salvation?

The point is ...

Stop sinning is the result of believing gospel.  It is not the gospel.

It is the right thing to do.

Quit sinning.

Not so you can be saved, but because you are saved.

By the good news gospel of the one who died for you and was raised from the dead.


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