Tuesday, November 09, 2021


Social Justice is not the Gospel

 Jesus died for our sins and was raised from the dead.  That is the good news gospel that saves us.

Many other things are right and good, but they do not save us.  They are not the gospel. There are even things believers saved by the gospel do as they live in the good news.  

We must always be careful not to communicate that we are saved by a different gospel than the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

Jesus saves.

Social justice is not the gospel.

Jesus believers will not be blinded by the color of someone's skin.  They will give help to the poor and lonely among us.  They will treat all people with dignity and respect.

Those living in the gospel will speak for the voiceless.  We act on our faith.

But we are not saving the world by trying to eliminate poverty.

Fighting racism does not forgive our sins.

Speaking for the oppressed is not the same as speaking good news of Jesus.

Much like the false gospel that we are saved by our works.  

We are only saved by Jesus.

Live a new life because of the gospel.

Be courageous because of the gospel.

But be clear about the gospel.

Jesus saves.

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