Thursday, December 23, 2021


Joy to the World in spite of ...

 Joy to the world.  Today is a day of good news.  A Savior has been born.

We sing it.  We put it on Facebook.  We quote Philippians 4:4 (the command to rejoice).

And many of us feel it.  All the time.  Relentlessly happy.

But I do think it is healthy to realize that joy is sometimes "in spite of..."

Because some of us are doing Christmas this year without someone we love.  My family is.  And I just got thru with three funerals in five days.  But as believers, we do not grieve as those who have no hope.  We live in the joyful certainty that we will all be together again.  Smiles thru the tears.

Some are sick and it is hard.  Bills.  And pain.  Uncertainty for the future.  Except we believe.  We ask for healings.  Elders annoint.  Church family prays.  We let God redeem the pain for His glory.  And we rejoice that our sickness will be healed.  Here.  Or in heaven.

But I really messed up this year.  How can I be happy about that?  God forgives.  We rejoice over the one lost sheep that gets found.  We throw parties for the prodigals.  If that is you, we are happy.  You can be also.

Last year was brutal.  And we Christians specialize in leaving the past behind.  We look forward.  We keep our eyes on the heaven goal.  Keeps us happy.

But about the next Covid variant.  Or the next pandemic.  God is bigger.  We are content/happy/joyful because nothing in this life can take away our salvation.  

Whatever happens, we Christians are going home forever.  

That makes me happy.

So if you are reading this and are really not happy, we Christians can share the secret.  In fact, we want to.

The joy of the Lord is our strength.

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