Tuesday, January 25, 2022


A living tribute to Jerry and Sheila Christian

 Jerry and Sheila Christian are still very much alive and active.  I say that because I generally write tributes to people that have gone on to heaven.  The only exceptions are for my family.

But I think I may write more living tributes.  Honor to whom honor is due so to speak.

And the Christians really are like family anyway.

We have known them for 50 years and they are as fine a family as you will ever know.

Their lives are rooted and grounded in Jesus and they have touched so many lives.  Helped people decide to follow Jesus.  Helped people come back to Jesus.  Helped Christians that are struggling with their faith.  They are hospitable, good listeners, and have great advice.  They have lived Jesus for a long time and they share their experiece with lots of people.

They have been youth leaders, deacon, song-leader, Bible class teachers, elder, and mentors at several churches in Texas.  All without pay.  They have opened their home and their heart to countless people.  Because they love Jesus and love others.

Their marriage is a living example of what God wants marriage to look like.  Not perfect, but faithful.  Not easy, but remarkably healthy.  They really complement each other in terms of gifts, talents, and temperment.  

They raised four faithful kids.  Not perfect, but faithful.

I would say they are our special friends, and they are.  But that almost implies we are special to them.  And we are, but so is everyone else that comes into their orbit.  They have been role models, friends thru thick and thin, and consistent in their love.  

The world is better because of Jerry and Sheila.  But it is better because they know the one who makes it better.  Raised in strong Christian families.  God really did a great thing when He put them together.  

And they are not thru yet.  Jerry assures me that he will live to 100.  And he might.  With Sheila's help.

I look forward to watching what God does in their life for many more years.

Love you guys, and thanks for loving us.

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