Tuesday, January 18, 2022


Praying for Husbands and Dads

 I am intentionally praying for husbands and Dads that I know.  And I am praying for the young men I know that will someday be husbands and Dads. 

I am praying they will step up and lead.

I believe that God meant what He said in Ephesians 5 and 6 about husbands and Dads.  This material is hard.  It calls for incredible faith, love, and commitment.  

But I think this is the key for strong marriages, raising faithful Christians, and growing the Kingdom.

Men, let's start loving our wives the way Jesus loved the church.  Let's lay down our lives for our wives and children.  This life is not about us.  We are first about Jesus.  Then we are about our families.  

We must be intentional in our example.  How we live matters.  We are never going to be perfect, but we sure can be intentional.  And when we fail, we can ask forgiveness.  

Set the tone by leading your faimily in prayer time.  In Bible reading and study.  In service.  Do for your family.

Work on intentionally raising your children to be faithful.  That is your job.  Not the job of the church.  

Set your eyes on Jesus and not on the world.  Our job is to deliver our family to Jesus.  

Loving, laying down your life.  Denying yourself for Jesus and your family.

I am not even sure the best ways to do all of this.  But I suspect it starts by setting the standard and committing to go for it.

And I especially am mindful of the Dads trying to raise your sons to be Godly men.  Society is going to oppose you.  But there are a lot of Christian men who have gone before you.  Look to their example.  Ask their advice.  Get them to pray for you.

And yes, I am aware that some families do not have have a husband and Dad.  You community of faith will help.  Adopt some granddads.  Pray for father figures.  And ask God for the strength to do two jobs.  I know it is hard to be both parents.  And hard to be alone.  

And I know that this call will be mocked by our culture.  We are moving to a culture that sees no difference in men/women or Moms/Dads.  God does.

And I know even some churches are moving away from this.  But the Bible is clear.

So if you don't agree with this, go right on with you think God wants you to do.

But I am renewing my commitment to lead as a Pops, Dad, and husband.  And pray for my brothers committed to the same thing.

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