Thursday, January 27, 2022
Five resources for spiritual help
It happens to every Christian at one time or another. You will need spiritual help. It may be that you are drowning in consequences from a sin decision. Or you are struggling with a temptation and about to surrender. Maybe you find yourself living in a far country and want to come home. Or the pain of living in a fallen world (sickness, death, disaster) is overwhelming. Or your kids are struggling. So many things that can cause us to be in trouble spiritually.
So here is a quick look at five resources that will help you when in spiritual struggle.
The Holy Spirit. Let me start by saying I think the Holy Spirit is in you and helping you even when you can't see it or understand it. Know that the Holy Spirit has your back in this world. Keep reminding yourself of that.
The Bible. I believe the Bible. I think it is the Word of God. Read it. Believe it. Try and do what it says. It is the perfect story of how to live life in relationship with God.
Prayer. Give your worries to God. And while you are at it, thank him for all the ways He came thru for you in the past. Ask for what you need. Ask for strength to do His will. To accept His will.
Community of faith. I am not saying church here because that sounds like you need to count on your organized, structured group that meets in a certain location. No, I am talking about the Christians you do life with. Those people who love Jesus and who love you. If you do not have people like that in your life, start asking God to help you find them. And realize that not having a community of faith may be one reason you are in spiritual trouble. And yes, "church" is a good place to start looking.
Elders. Find those men and their wives that love God and His people. Spiritual leaders. Give them a chance to help. They will walk alongside you, they will pray with and for you, they will speak truth into your life, and they will show you how to walk in the light. If you don't know any elders, then look for people who seem to have a life that looks like Jesus and ask them. If you are in Abilene, ask me. I know lots of good elders at a number of churches here. They will help. And I know elders all around Abilene. And Texas for that matter. And in Kansas. Or Maine. Or Florida. Tennessee. Idaho. You get the idea. I will help connect you.
Here is the point. If you want spiritual help, it is available.
Just ask.