Tuesday, January 04, 2022


Praying, Giving, or Working

 Some things are harder than others.

I'll pray for you.

Here is a little something to help.

I'm working for you.

Prayer is powerful and we don't do enough of it.  Not any of us.  And yes, I am aware of how easy it is just to spout off the words and never follow thru.  

Do not overlook the value of financial resources.  People sometimes need a bill paid or groceries bought.  Non-profits do incredible ministry in all sorts of ways.  They need resources to do what they do.

But we do not see much of the third way to help people.  Actual work.  And again, I am not slighting the first two spiritual gifts.  But we need to see more work.

Thanks to my friend Al for helping me realize this.  He has a friend that owns a small restaurant.  The owner is quite ill and his wife and family are trying to keep things going.  Al has asked me to pray.  There is a go fund me page.  

But Al mentioned in passing that he is getting up at three every morning and going down to wash dishes for the restaurant.  That is what he can do for them.  

Which led to a discussion about how easy it is to write a check or even to put someone on your prayer list.  And they both matter.  But they are not necessarily hard to do.

But work.  Well...

Maybe there ought to be more dish washing.  More yard mowing.  More house cleaning.  More hands getting dirty work.  More cooking.

I know we are not really an agriculture society anymore.  But all my life I have seen people in my family (and in my wife's family) help with the planting and harvesting when a neighbor got sick or hurt.  Chores around the place.  Meals cooked and clothes washed.

More being a good neighbor.  Christians especially doing things that are hard to help our neighbors.  Like if they had been beaten and robbed and we stopped to help because they are our neighbor and we love them like we love ourselves.

You know... just like Jesus said.

So let's do more hands on this year.  Still pray and give.  

But also going to work.

In the name of Jesus.

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