Thursday, February 03, 2022


Satan's three lies about God's word

 Satan is not all powerful.  And I would argue he is very much a creature of habit.  He uses the same arguments over and over when trying to pull us away from God.  Maybe because they work, or maybe because it is the only way he knows to operate.

He is the father of lies and he lies about the Father.  He lies about what the Father says.

Read the temptation account in the first few verses of Genesis 3 and you will see the three lies Satan uses against God and what God says.

First, "did God really say...".  Try to convince people God did not say what he did.  You hear that today.  "Well, that verse does not mean what it says."  "That was just for people a long time ago."  Or, "that does not apply to this culture."  People trying to convince you God did not mean what He said.

Second, there will be no consequences for not obeying God's commands.  Satan told them they would not die.  Same thing you hear today.  "There really is no hell."  "No one is going to be lost."  "I doesn't matter what you do."  

Third:  You can be like God.  You can decide what is true and right.  Anything that doesn't sound like you think God should be must be wrong.  If you feel it in your heart, it is right.  

You get the point.  

If you don't like it, it must not be true.  

Except you are not God and niether am I.

There will be consequences to disobeying God.

And if God said it, it is true.

Excellent and to the point. Satan does do his best to imitate God and can be convincing if we do not learn to test the spirit to see if they are from God.
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