Thursday, March 24, 2022
Believers and non-believers are not the same
Non-believers are not the same as believers and I do not treat them the same.
But aren't we both sinners. Yes, but. We are forgiven. We believe in Jesus. We died with him in baptism and were raised to a new life. Our sins were washed away in that death. We have no guilt. His blood cleanses us. Not the same for non-believers.
God loves us both and Jesus died for us both. Those who believe in Jesus become part of the family of God. Those who do not believe are not part of our family. Those who believe and share in that death will live with God forever. Those who do not believe will not.
Believers are held to a higher standard of behavior. How we live and how we treat people. Our standard is the way of Jesus. Not so for non-believers. Never expect non-believers to live like believers do. Why would they?
Believers are held accountable for their sins by fellow believers. Non-believers will be held accountable by God for their sins.
I love believers more than I love non-believers. We are to love everyone as we do ourselves, but there is something more in our love for fellow believers. Our new command from Jesus is to love each other. We do good for all men but especially for those in our community of faith.
So I get what we mean when we welcome believers by saying we are alike.
But it is not true.
Not true because of Jesus and only Jesus.
That is what separates us.